Leslie Bitsie Jr

Leslie Bitsie Jr
Navajo Nation
Main Classification
Beadwork / Quillwork
Classification #2
Diverse Arts
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
PAL S 259
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Leslie Bitsie Jr

Navajo beadwork is rooted in Dineh religious practices, background teachings, and adornment. My artistic Navajo beadwork process begins with my foundation of my upbringing: Christian Reformed Church, Native American Church, and Navajo Sing Ways. I incorporate a vast array of traditional European glass beads, processed animal hides, organic materials such as shells, various metals, and other numerous compatible materials, such as fabric. My techniques include various beading, sewing, and embroidery methods: lane, flat appliqué, peyote gourd-netting, loom, hand fringing, rolled, edging, machine/hand sewing; along with formulating colors from nature and ceremonies. I also use critical thinking skills and idea formulations for each specific article of work. My final beaded item conveys a purpose, meaning, and hope thus bringing beauty and goodness into the world. These multiple facets together generate forms of brilliance so that Navajo beadwork will be fully continued and appreciated.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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