After the process of the Hopi carving from Cottonwood Root, then take the image to be processed into a mole, and then the mole we get the wax casing to be sent to the foundry to go through the process of eight weeks of dipping into fine sand to course sand to build a 1/8 inch thickness of plaster to preserve the wax image that will be used in Bronze and after that process, we will melt out the wax and put in the bronze that is poured, and then another day of cooling , than using jackhammers to knock off the plaster to reveal the bronze. Then we will cut off all the bronze parts that are used for gating to pull the bronzes to flow the bronzes to its natural state …after the sandblasting than we do the patina in a burnt umber to get more depth out of the bronze and after that we will have the next stage to patina with a Hot torch flame or a warm flame…than will seal it with acrylic clear coat finished