Cordelia Begay

Cordelia M. Begay
Navajo Nation
Main Classification
Classification #2
Classification #3

SWAIA Booth History

Summer 2024
SFT W 534
Winter 2024
Portfolio Example & Artist Statement
Cordelia Begay

I began weaving when I was 8 years old. My grandmother and I hand spun our wool and collected herbs to color them. To this day I continue weaving utilizing the same skills I've learned. The weavings I make today I also use commercial dye wool. The designs I create and work with includes designs base on memoires from my grandmother's weavings. Most times the designs come to me when I begin a piece. The colors I work with include variety of colors depending on the image I see in my mind. Most times I use a lot of natural colors because those are the colors I saw a lot during the time my grandmother wove. I'm very thankful I learned how to weave because four years ago I left my job to take care of my disable mother and that is the day I picked up my weaving tools. Every time I weave I am learning new techniques and new designs. I am still learning as I go, I do not consider myself as a master weaver but I do my best. Thank you.

2024 Portfolio

View the artist's portfolio for this year.
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